Do you also enjoy autumn?

Autumn, the season between summer and winter. For me a lovely season. I like the autumn very much, not to say, I love it! The weather changes from the hot summer into the fresh mornings and evenings in autumn and during the day often sunny. A fog is hanging above the water, dears are standing in the misty field. The sun is low and gives the morning a lovely glow, so many colors of yellow, red and orange, amazing! How much I enjoy this play and change of nature!

Go inside
It is the season for self-reflection and let go on things, a few months to go till the end of the year. Time to go inside, literally by going into ours home, making it warm and cozy and figuratively go inside ourselves. Think about ourselves and what we want to do or achieve these few last months of the year. Do we achieve our goals of the year, did we spend enough time for ourselves, family and friends, are there things we still can change till the end of the year etc.

For me, after reflecting on myself, I am satisfied about a lot of things I have done, seen and heard of. I have met a lot of wonderful people and animals. I have seen a lot of beautiful places. I started my own small company and I am healthy. But I also had a very profound experience this year, which had a big influence on me for the rest of the year and probably will have for the rest of my life.
In spring I was in Nepal. I was in Kathmandu when the earth quaked, helping street dogs. Time stood still, the earth quaked and a lot of things would not be the same as before for me. At that time I realized life can be over in a second. But I am grateful being healthy and think a lot more about life, work, family, friends, animals, nature, religion and all the things which happen around me, every day.

3 months to go ☺
But the year is not over yet, still 3 lovely months to go, 3 more months to enjoy, 3 more months of experiences. I am looking forward to it! And you …?

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