The story of the “Mantra bead”

Mantra beadDoes it sound familiar to you, something draws your attention shortly, you notice, that´s it, not more, but after a while it pops up again and you want to know more about it?

That is what happened to me with the Mantra bead. I saw this bead for the first time when I left the concert of Deva Premal, Miten & Manose, but gave no further attention to it.
Some days after the concert the mantra bead slipped to my mind again and I searched on the internet site of Deval Premal for more information. A lovely site with very nice information how the bead is produced by using the 4 elements, air, water, fire and earth. That was it, more interest was not there at that moment.
Half a year later, the bead passes by on Facebook, again it draws my attention, but not enough to take any further action.

After a while things happen and a strong feeling comes over me that I would like have this Mantra bead. It has to take a place into my live …
Posar, a dog I have met and of which I have taken care of during my stay in Nepal this year, passes away. It has a big influence on me. I am devastated.

When he gets buried the Green Tara amulet, which I gave him during my stay, goes with him on his next journey. That is the moment, the Mantra bead comes into my mind again.
Will there be a bead with a (Green) Tara mantra? Again I look on the website and search through the 21 mantra´s. There is no Green Tara mantra, but a White Tara mantra. White Tara is for long life and healing. That is perfect!

It starts to itch inside of me and somehow I feel I will be connected to Posar this way …
I decide the Mantra bead HAS to get a place in my life. It will get this place on my birthday! Coincidence? That does not exist!

I am very happy with my White Tara Mantra bead and I am really looking forward what this bead will bring me, but also Posar.
I hope the Green Tara amulet has helped Posar and will still help him at his ongoing journey. May the guidance of the Green Tara bring him to the White Tara and give him a good rebirth with a long life and good health. Perhaps we find each other again via “our” Tara Mantra Bead …

*OM Tare Tuttare Ture Mama Ah Yuh Pune Jana Putim Kuru Soha*

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