World Stray Animals Day


Luna-Tara – my former stray dog from Kathmandu. My LOVE !!!

Today, every year on the 4th of April, is World Stray Animals Day. On this day we pay extra attention to the many stray animals in the world. Stray animals do often lead a poor and miserable life on the street. They suffer from extreme heat or cold and suffer from diseases. Even more often, they are being chased around by hostile and violent people or get involved in hit and run cases. On this day you can show your compassion to strays, take care and get into action for stray animals all over our planet!

Why is it an important day?
For me, this day is a very an important day. As I have a stray dog from Nepal I always pay extra attention to the strays on this day. For Luna-Tara, my stray dog from Kathmandu, her life changed 4 years ago (and mine too 😉). She changed her life from a dog shelter in Kathmandu to a warm and cozy home near Munich. The following sentence, you maybe know, is so true! “Saving one dog will not change the world, but surely for that one dog, the world will change forever.” And that is what it is all about! Helping a little bit by a lot of people … we CAN make a difference!

What can you do?
Share the cause of 4/4 Stray Animals Day.
* Adopt a stray dog.
* Ask your local animal shelter how you can help.
* Support a stray animal organization.
These are just some examples. There are definitely more ideas what you can do!

Support a stray animal organization in Nepal
When selling my handmade products for cats and dogs, a part of it goes to an animal organization in Nepal. On this special day, I would like to support Sneha´s Care in Nepal. An organization which helps all kind of stray animals, not only dogs but also cows, goats, pigs etc. On this year’s World Stray Animals Day an amount of €228,00 will go to Sneha Care. They provide the animals with food, medical care and a warm hug. A big THANK YOU goes to Andrea and Ute, who supported with a big donation, and everybody who bought the paw charm. DANYABAD!

Sneha´s Care in Germany

Photos by Sneha Shrestha – Sneha Care Nepal & Daniela Zysk – Sneha Care Deutschland e.V.

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