Bardo, a period between two phases

Wheel of LifeWhat is Bardo? What does it mean? Why this topic?

What is Bardo?
Bardo is a Tibetan word that literally means “between”. For the Tibetans, Bardo is the period between the point of time of dying and rebirth, a moment between the moments. It is a period of 49 days.

What does it mean and what happens?
In this period the spirit takes its time to go through several stages, accompanied by a lot of prayers and ceremonies and at the end to have a good rebirth if he wants to. For the Tibetan people it is very important to accompany the spirit on his way to its next rebirth. For them life and death are part of their daily life, things come and go, which is completely different from our way of thinking and living. We put death far away from us, we do not think about death. For me the kind of how the Tibetans and also the Nepali people look to life and death is a more natural way. They honor the death, they believe in reincarnation, they live by the day. We cannot deny death, it is there, so look at it and integrate it into our daily life.

Why this topic?
In December I had to deal with quite a lot of loses, human and animals who passed away.
It looked like a lot of living beings did not want to go into the new year with its new challenges. Again a new year with the seasons, the learnings, the changes, happiness, but also sadness. All kind of things and emotions we all will definitely meet during the upcoming year.
The reason for my interest in the Bardo theme was the loss of “my” dog Posar.
Posar and I met each other for the first time during my volunteering time in a dog kennel (see more information on my website in the gallery “Projects”) in Nepal. That was April last year. He looked terrible, cancer with open wounds over his whole body. I had never seen that before, but no matter how he looked like, we had a click and we decided to do everything getting him better. At the beginning the treatment works well and we have hope. My volunteering time goes to an end and I have to say goodbye, but stay in touch with him and talk to him on a regular basis. We both are happy, far away, but also near thanks to the telepathic communication we have.

One of the reasons going back to Nepal in October is Posar. I feel I have to go back to him because he is not doing well. Shall I see him again, will he be there? He tells me he will be there when I arrive. More than 2 months to go, I cannot believe he will still be alive, because his condition gets worser and treatment is not possible anymore. But, as he promised me, he is there when I arrive in Nepal! We both are very happy seeing each other again. In the meantime he got blind, but notices me immediately when I come in. He is strong, has a lot of energy, enjoys life and enjoys being together with me again. We both are very happy and thankful having the opportunity to meet each other again. We celebrate Kukur Tihar, a Nepali festival which honors the dog for one day.

On November 12th, again I have to say goodbye to him and we both know we will not see each other again. Twelve days after being back home, on November 24th, Posar chooses to pass away. The full moon on that day brings him to the Rainbow land. He makes me aware of the Bardo time in which he will be now. I read again a lot about how the Tibetans deal with this period and it gives me a good feeling. It gives me peace!

On January 12th, Posar´s Bardo time is ended. He can go further on his journey. I definitely know he will have a great and happy rebirth.

Maybe this Bardo theme and its rituals can also give you some relief, peace and acceptance when a loved one has passed away.

Om Mani Padme Hum

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